imma go chill at tumblr.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
m. ward, you fox
i wanted to see she & him tonight at the glass house but their tickets sold out before i could evn go get my wallet.
one - because i love their music
two - i wanna see zooey and matt all up close.
Posted by
4:52 PM
i forgot about me.
I have not been here in over a year or under. I'm not to sure, a few clicks would provide the answer to this question but i don't really feel like putting the energy for those clicks.
ugh. ahh.
i'm rereading "always running" by luis rodriguez. i read it when i took freshman english and now i have to read it again for critical thinking english. i do not enjoy writing essays anymore. i used to be able to just crank them out and now i can't even bother to start one. i have to stop being so lazy.
Posted by
4:42 PM
Thursday, May 14, 2009
mi mano, me duele
My dog bit my right hand last night. This was the small one with the Napoleon complex. Now my right hand hurts (mostly the ring finger and pinkie since I have a puncture wound on the webbing between those two and some cuts beneath my pinkie)and I'm trying to work with just my left hand.
Do you know how hard it is to brush your teeth with your left hand when you are right handed? I think I spent an extra three minutes brushing just to make sure everything was squeaky clean.
Now I'm all bandaged up. I can't seem to find my camera to show you my half assed bandaging job but at least now I can use three fingers on my right hand.
To the doctor I must go to get my tetanus shot and some medication.
Posted by
5:25 PM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
el taquero contra "los burocratas"
Yesterday was a shit day, nuff said so off we went for tacos, the only thing that can cure any bad day.
Off we went to East L.A. to enjoy our last legal tacos.
I had never been to this particular taco stand since I don't know anyone in East L.A. but I had received an email from saying this was the place to be during the taco trucks final legal hours.
I'll give it to the guys who picked the spot. The tacos were both delicious and cheap. I bought me two tacos de buche and a coke for $1.75 and you just can't beat that deal.
Also, we had to take Miyu to a taco truck. She said she has never been and it just seems like blasphemy to say such a thing when you live in Southern California. Of course we had to pop her taco cherry.
Some news outlets were there like telemundo and univision but I didn't care because there was no Jorge Ramos.
An L.A. without taco trucks, that's just crazy.
While we were there Cristian and I decided to do a soundslide. He interviewed and I took photos. More likely than not these are some of the photos I'll be using, when I'm done working on it, I'll so put it up.
Posted by
3:22 PM
Monday, May 12, 2008
I said no duck
On my way to work, I saw this duck chillin in the dirty water. All I kept thinking was "Get out duck, the water is dirty." But no, he kept taking a bath. I tell you, these ducks just never listen when you're trying to give them helpful advice. Then I wondered what is this duck doing so far away from its home. Don't you live in Alondra park, I like to imagine all ducks live in Alondra park. All of this was happening on Manhattan Beach Boulevard very near Tarzhay.
Speaking of Tarzhay, work was very tiring this past weekend. Apparently no one loves their mother and they waited to the last fucking minute to buy their mothers a gift. Then they wanted the cheapest piece of jewelry. Look, I get if you want a $10 gift if you're nine but if you're 38, maybe you could spare a dollar for your mother. Maybe.
Posted by
1:14 PM
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
let me explain...
I'll admit, I haven't been good to this blog. I haven't been good to it. Sorry blog. I am lazy.
In case anyone ever wondered what target looks like in the employees only area. Here we go.
It's really nothing fancy or fun. There is an abundance of red and it's like "I get it, I get it, we're at target. We rock the red."
Ack, I have to go to work in a few hours. I am not looking forward to that.
Posted by
3:14 PM