Tuesday, April 29, 2008

maybe i'll learn geeetar

Went to the local community center (that's redundant). I'd never been, I didn't know HP had a park let alone a community center. Anyway, I went to help the missus pick out a class to take and I'd figured maybe I could sign up for a class too. She decided to take Zumba and I decided to take nothing. None of the classes looked interesting and as tempting as cake decorating seemed, I had to pass. The lady thought perhaps the little bro could take a guitar class since all he does is watch tv and maybe there's more to life than tv. bah, who am I kidding.


Jaena Rae said...

You seem to have really taken to this whole blogging thing.

And tell people on your goddamn staff to stop inviting me to Twitter. It's the damn text messaging version of blogging and I will have NONE of it.

Love you, honey bunny.